Tuesday, February 22, 2011

optimize page load time

Here i going to give some tricks about page load time.
*) group the mini images in to single image. if we group the small images into a single image mean it will reduce request time to the site. we can position it using css. (ex) all of know about that page,we use at least 2 -3 times in a day. yes google. in google they use that kind of things.you can able to see the image from here
http://www.google.co.in/images/nav_logo36.png. here the group images as a single image and load it in a required position with help of css i market as a rectangle.
nearly 20-40 times they use that single image with in this page

*) grouping the css file as a single file.because number of request will increase the page load time.

*) avoid using empty src image tag, because it create request again to the site

*) try to set the javascript loading after image loading because it also use to reduce the time delay.

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