Saturday, March 1, 2014

Joomla fresh installation issue

Hi friends, today i met another one problem for installing joomla in my local. I format my system due to some problem .i stalled wamp and started it then try to install joomla2.5 it's working fine  until get the db detail after that it's not working it's show loading again and again. i checked the db via phpmyadmin is only few tables. so i planned to change the max limits in php.

i changed the following in php.ini.
changed max_execution_time from 30 to 60 and upload_max_filesize from 2 to 10mb. like below
max_execution_tim = 60;
upload_max_filesize = 12M;

save the changes and restart the wamp server.Now again try to install joomla it's installed now.

Happy to share with you.

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