Monday, May 9, 2011

Joomla1.6 installer xml changes

Compare to joomla 1.6 with joomla 1.5 they changed the parameters defined way in xml file. These changes apply to all extensions modules, plugins, component etc..

Here i going to list out the XML parameters changes

  1. <params> replaced with <config><fields name="params"><fieldset name="basic">
  2. <param> replaced with <field>
  3. <install replaced with <extension
    (ex) <extension type="module" version="1.6.0" client="site" method="upgrade">
These are basic changes done in joomla1.6 xml params compare to joomla1.5.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks!
    As of now really misses this info. I just started upgrading a module and hope this will work.
