Thursday, April 14, 2011

Three important position in joomla template

There are four main extensions in joomla.
  1.  Component
  2. Module
  3. Plugins
  4. Template
Here i am going to discuss about template. Template change the way of presenting your sites. You can split the page with number columns (left, right, middle) and rows (header, content, middle). In joomla we have a future to load the content using jdoc. Using jdoc you can position the above there extensions(Component, module and plugin) output. Using jdoc you can easily set it.

How to add jdoc?
            There is no magic for this , you can add it via a simple HTML type notation.

<jdoc:include type=”specifictype”/>

Here I list out what are the important jdoc types
1.      Head
2.      Message
3.      Component

These three element should appear only one time in page.

            Header jdoc this will add with in <head>….</head> tag. This will load the meatadata, style and scripts.

<jdoc:include type=”head”/>

            This will used to render errors in each request. Using this we can display the error, notice and warning messages from mainframe redirect/enque messages.

<jdoc:include type=”message”/>

            Component act a main roll in joomla. You can render the component output using this jdoc

<jdoc:include type=”component”/>

Please reply your feedback in comments.

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