Sunday, April 24, 2011

Remove lock in joomla articles

In joomla some time we get lock image in article ,category , modules etc..

if it locked mean some one other than you using it or it not closed by prober way. In joomla 1.6 have option as "Check in" button at the top of the listing page, we can just check what are the things need to unlock it and click the button then the lock will removed.

In joomla1.5 we don't have that option but we can do it by a query , just rest the 'checked_out' filed to '0', then the lock will removed.

for example if you got your article locked but no one accessed that mean , just run this query

update jos_content set checked_out=0 where id = your_article_id;

if you want to apply this to all mean just remove the where that's it.

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